ALW Peloton December Workout Calendar

I love to follow the Hard Core on the Floor (HCOTF) workout schedule every month, but find that sometimes I just can’t fit in 40 minutes of core/strength each day. December is one of those months where life is so full that many days are jam packed and I need a short workout that can fit into my day wherever I am.

One of my (not-so) hidden secrets: I keep 3-lb weights under my desk at work so that if I have 10 minutes during a planning time where I can’t focus I can do a short 10 minute arms and light weights workout. It gives my brain a break and my body a little movement.

This month I created an arms and light weights (ALW) calendar that also aligns with the HCOTF calendar. Take one class every day or use the workout posted on the days that you don’t have much time.

Want to print out the calendar? Get the free pdf HERE.



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A Holiday Parody