S13: E250 What’s Saving My Life Right Now

I’ve heard both Kendra Adachi, host of The Lazy Genius Podcast, and Emily P Freeman, host of The Next Right Thing Podcast, share episodes on their podcasts about the things that are saving their lives right now.  I always love these episodes because it gives me new ideas of things to try and I also just enjoy hearing about things that other people love that are useful, helpful and joyful.  I did one of these episodes back in season 6 on episode 119 and felt like now would be a great time to share some of the things that are saving my life now!

Some of these are purposeful.  Some are just because they bring me so much joy.  And some of these are really hard lessons I’m learning that are making me better, but it’s worth it.  So here goes!  The ten things that are saving my life right now:

  1. The James Method Verse Map Journal

  2. Canva

  3. Peloton App

  4. Taking risks - looking into some courses that will help me grow as an educator.  Trying new things in the classroom and taking steps to use what I’ve learned to step out in new ways as an educator.

  5. Owning my mistakes - when you take risks, you make mistakes.  You’re pushed out of your comfort zone and you grow a lot.  In great ways and hard ways.  But I’m all the better for it and so are you.

  6. Getting outside

  7. Spending time with a small group of people more often

  8. Reading fiction.  My reading habits changed so much during and after Covid.  I haven’t read a single classical piece of literature in a few years.  Used to love reading more in-depth books, but have found so much joy in reading fiction books that are lighter and easier to digest.

  9. Car rides with my girls

  10. Doing a little less


S13: E251 Planning on Purpose with Allison Russo


S13: E249 Minecraft Musical Artist House Project