S13: E255 Wrapping up the School Year

Here we are again - at the end of another school year.  Not sure about you, but I’m feeling very much in need of time to rest, reflect and focus on my family.  The past month has been a complete whirlwind with exciting adventures, performances, conferences, and I’m grateful and exhausted.  And you likely are too!

I was thinking this past week about how similar the beginning and end of a school year are.  The end of the year takes as much energy as the start of the year.  That teacher tired at the start of the year as we adjust to being back in our routines, meeting students, and pushing ourselves to begin well  is pretty parallel to the teacher tired at the end of the year when we are tying up loose ends, engaging in final concerts and events, and pushing ourselves to end well.  I go through thoughts about how I can make our final classes meaningful, engaging and musical.  And also thinking through how I can simplify, give some breathing room to myself and students and celebrate or just have fun in educational ways.  What do we push forward on and what do we ease up on?  

Here are a few things I’m doing during the last two weeks of school this year to try to bridge the gap of what I want to be sure students know and learn and what I am relaxing on so that we can all keep our sanity and joy too.

Continued Learning

Introducing a new instrument: Ukulele

My focus is on the parts of the instrument, how to hold it, basic strumming patterns, and focusing on five chord progressions.  Students do ukeplayalongs to pop songs on Youtube, create an original song, and work in small groups to perform for their class.

Unit plans

With my fifth grade students, we’re focusing on the instruments of the orchestra.  Reviewing what they remember from previous years in Lower School and playing listening games, Jeopardy, and other activities to help them engage in learning about the orchestra.  Seventh grade students will work on the 12 bar blues.


I love Soundtrap and enjoy having students create a recap of their time this past year.  Students add intro music and write a script that includes information about each class, favorite memories and what they’re looking forward to next year.  It’s a great time capsule and a fun way to wrap up their year.

Relaxing Review and Fun

Blookets, Kahoots and Gimkits

These websites are great for review games!  Create one or discover one that has already been created.

Playing, Singing and Moving

Reviewing musical pieces we’ve learned throughout the year!  Get student input or pull a list of pieces you’ve done together all year and go through them

Take class outside

I love to take students outside to drum, play ukuleles or do circle games.  Change of scenery when it’s not too hot!


S13: E256


S13: E254 Fairy Tale Drumming and Speech Project