S15: E267 New Book Release: William’s Song

Purchase William’s Song at Amazon (paperback) and F-Flat Books (digital interactive).

Purchase William’s Song Teacher’s Guide can at Amazon (paperback) and F-Flat Books (pdf).

More than a decade ago I was thinking about music and all the places it met me.  How music could be found on sunny days.  On windy days.  Rainy days and Mondays… but seriously, music has met me everywhere I needed it to be.  In different seasons.  Moods.  Special moments.  While I cooked.  Or read.  Or worked out.  I love that about music!!  How it expresses the things we can’t say, as Victor Hugo once said.  

As I thought about music, I decided to write a short poem in the notes section of my phone.  It wasn’t anything fancy.  Just a few short lines… “Music on a sunny day.  Music on a cloudy day.  Music on a windy day.  Music on a rainy day.”  And then I kept adding thoughts to it.  Months would go by and I’d come back to the poem.  I honestly don’t remember how often I reread what I’d written or how much I wrote or how often I tweaked a word or line here and there.  All I know is that I thought it would make a wonderful children’s book someday.  And this was years before I ever set out with an intention to be a writer or author a book.  I thought it might be a great way to introduce children to music with simplistic and repetitious use of the word “Music.”

About two or three years ago, I looked over the poem again and moved it over to a Google Doc.  I added a few extra lines that I felt solidified it and decided it was done.  If you create or write, compose or conduct, you know the work never finishes; we just have to decide it’s done or else nothing would ever be shared!  I began thinking about how I’d want to incorporate a story with the poem.  And one day I was thinking about how music showed up in my life and how music has really been an influential piece for my family’s lives.  Then I knew the story I wanted to tell with this poem:  William’s Song.  It’s the story of my grandfather’s life.

You can purchase the book and teacher’s guide on Amazon or head to F-Flat books to purchase the interactive version that includes sound effects, music, and interactive elements.  I’ll share a short history here, read the text of the book, and share how you can use the book and the teacher guide to lead students in writing, drawing, creating, composing, playing instruments, and singing.

My Grandfather’s Story

My grandfather’s name was Bill Dale.  He had a challenging life as he grew up in Miami, Florida.  His dad abandoned the family when he was young.  The Miami Hurricane hit hard right before the Great Depression.  Then not only did his dad pass away, but a year later his mom did as well.  He and his five siblings were separated amongst family members.  My grandfather went to live with his Aunt and Uncle, where they saw his gift for music.  Specifically, his talent as a pianist.  He grew up playing piano and had a remarkable gift.  He went to college and then enrolled in the Army.  He was sent overseas to India where he was in charge of troops who baked bread.  Food was lacking and times were tough.  Being able to make bread to help keep people alive was a much needed job during WWII.  After the war, he studied music at Yale University and met my grandmother, Claire.  They played piano duets in the Northeast and traveled to Europe to perform.  Over the years they had four daughters, who were called ‘The Dale Girls.’  Music impacted the lives of each daughter in different ways through yoga, dance, music education, while gardening, and writing.  My mom is a pianist and was a music teacher or church choir director over the years.  Her love of music heavily influenced my life and on it goes from her to me and me to my girls.

I wanted William’s Song to share my grandfather’s story while also telling our stories:  the story of how music makes a difference in our lives and meets us where we are each day.

When I talked to Sarah Gulish, Co-Founder of F-Flat Books, about the idea of an illustrated children’s book, she gave the name of Anna Betts, an illustrator from Nashville.  Anna and I connected and she created the most beautiful illustrations for the book.  You can find her work on Instagram @Anna-Betts-Art.  It’s truly gorgeous.

William’s Song Text

I thought you might enjoy hearing the text of the book so here is the story of William’s Song:

Music on a sunny day

Music on a cloudy day

Music on a windy day

Music on a rainy day

Music as the sun shines bright

Music as the moon at night

Music as the stars come round

Music as the seas abound

Music when I’m down and out

Music when I’m all about

Music when I’m angry inside

Music when the rage subsides

Music in my busy mind

Music in my soul divine

Music in my tapping feet

Music in my heart’s strong beat

Music made within my mind

Music made for humankind

Music through each breath and song

Music through my whole life long

Ideas for Using the Book

There are many ways this book could be shared with your students or your children at home:

  1. Simply read it.

  2. Interact with drawing and writing activities that focus on SEL.

  3. Teach an instrumental piece to students:  Modes, Drumming

  4. Teach the choral piece “Music Through My Whole Life Long”

  5. Technology ideas using Soundtrap and Flip

My hope is that this book would allow you to bring the beauty of music to your students, share how music moves through our lives, and give students some amazing experiences with music-making inspired by the book.


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