Three Lesson Ideas for October

Try these three ideas with your students during the month of October:

  1. On Halloween Sound Story

  2. At the Old Haunted House Book/Song

  3. We Will Pass the Pumpkin Game

More lesson ideas for October can be found in episode 50 of the Afternoon Ti Podcast HERE.


One of my favorite lessons with students is to create a Halloween sound story using percussion instruments and vocal sounds. There are several stories that work well for creating a sound story. Use a short Halloween poem or story about a piece of information. One of my favorite Halloween stories, that is not scary and involves trick-or-treating, is called On Halloween. There are 10 instrument parts and 1 narrator. You might consider doubling the parts and having two narrators. Or you could have half the class listen to the story while the other half of the class performs the story with the instruments and then switch roles.

I recommend reading the story to the students the first time. Then reading it in the next class while students fill in the vocal sounds (boos and other dramatic portions). You could have some students perform the parts of the tiny pirate who wins the funniest costume, being a part of the parade, boys as cowboys riding galloping ponies and so on. Then add the instruments. And finally allow students to narrate and put the entire piece together. This could be easily be taught over several class periods.

On Halloween Sound Story

A few other pieces that work well for creating sound stories:
Poem: There once was a witch
Poem: Halloween Night when the Witches Run

EXTENSION ACTIVITY: Using Soundtrap, students record themselves speaking the story and add sound effects. They might even add ‘mood’ music throughout and learn how to use automation to vary the volume of the music throughout the story. This allows for balance of sounds between the music and their voice. Students can share their stories with families or each other.


I originally looked for the book recommended by Lindsay Jervis here: The Halloween House. Instead I found the book "At the Old Haunted House" written by Helen Ketteman. Both texts work well with the melody of "Over in the Meadow." I altered the melody to sing in a minor key/mode for a more Halloweenish effect. For the end of the book, I created a melody because the text doesn't fit the song.

Students of all ages love to hear books read and sung. This is something I very rarely do and it's a nice change of pace. Definitely something I need to do more of with my middle school students!

Here is a link to the melody:

At the Old Haunted House Melody


A simple passing game. Use a plush pumpkin, beanbag or any kind of soft pumpkin-like item.

We will pass the pumpkin song link


Free Halloween Candy Speech Activity


Beginning a Middle School Choir