S16: E284 Reviewing 2023 and Setting 2024

Out with 2023

In with 2024

Here’s to a great New Year!!

2023 was a year of change for me personally. Moved from the music classroom into administration. Started grad school. Now have not one, but two teenagers in the house. One of the biggest lessons I continued to learn with yearly goals was flexibility. What we aim towards in January is allowed to shift in February, June, or November. Our interests can develop while we still pursue things that matter to us. It doesn’t mean we’ve failed.  If anything, I believe that flexibility in goal setting allows us to have purpose, meaning, and something to work towards all while being open to new journeys and experiences along the way. 

It’s such a delicate balance of aiming towards the things you want while also leaving room for life to move in ways you didn’t anticipate when the new year came. 

A few goals that went well in 2023:

  1. Consistent podcast episodes - goal was for 35 total (shared 48 total!)

    1. If you are interested in launching a podcast, here are a few things to consider:

      1. What do you want to share? Make notes about topics, episode ideas, overall themes. Talk it through with a friend.

        1. Watch YouTube videos, read articles, and ask questions from podcast hosts that you enjoy. I asked several friends about the platforms they used, how they got started, and what was needed - the basics. Then watched videos and read about podcasting.

  1. More family time - was able to visit my parents in the summer and for Christmas and to see my brother and his family

    1. If spending time with others is a goal for you, here’s what worked for me:

      1. Be intentional about how you’ll do this. (Vacations? Bible studies? Book studies? Dinners or brunches?)

      2. Decide the people you want to prioritize - specific family members or friends, coworkers, or meeting new people

  2. Releasing two books - Two Teacher Perspectives on Teacher Health and Wellness and children’s book William’s Song.

    1. If you are interested in writing articles, books, or creating content, here are some things to consider:

      1. You don’t have to have it all figured out before you do it

      2. F-Flat books - head to fflat-books.com… search for ‘author packet’ or click here.

  3. Fitness goals - This was a win/lose for me. I set out to complete a higher number of minutes on the Peloton app this year and surpassed it. That felt great! Hit the minute count, but did not hit my running goals. 

    1. If you’re setting fitness goals, here are some things that worked for me:

      1. Waking up early

      2. Setting out clothes the night before

      3. Selecting workouts or workout programs

      4. Doing workouts that you enjoy and passing on the ones you don’t

      5. Following programs (3-day and 5-day or multi-week programs on Peloton app)

A few goals that were started, but not met:

  1. Reading one book a week - too lofty a goal for me at this stage and one I haven’t met in several years. Revising it this year. I love reading, but this goal is too big yet.

    1. If reading is one of your goals, here are things that did work for me even though I didn’t fully reach mine:

      1. Reading books you want to read

      2. Reading fewer books rather than more books - taking time to enjoy them rather than feeling pressure to read faster or do more

      3. Making a running list of books you want to read

  1. Running consistently - I wanted to run 400 miles this year. Didn’t even get to 200 miles. And that’s ok. It wasn’t the year for it - found myself doing a lot of strength training instead and that was great, but I want to work towards running consistently again because I always feel great when I am.

    1. While I met my overall workout goals, there were still things I learned about running goals that might be useful for you if this is one of yours:

      1. It’s okay to shift your workout focus if your body isn’t feeling it or you want to spend time elsewhere

      2. You can rebuild again. It is possible. Let the doubts go and just start.

There were multiple goals that never launched or were even started. Some of which seem so simple that I’m not sure why I didn’t do them, but just didn’t so I’m transferring them over to my 2024 list.  Things like getting our piano tuned, painting the front door, and hanging the guitar on the wall with the guitar hook we bought last January.

Here are a few goals I’m working towards in 2024:

  1. Finishing my masters degree. Finish in May. Very nervous about the PASL and the principal certification exam. I tend to overthink exams and this makes me anxious. Praying that all goes well. Only 6 hours remain out of the 30 hour master’s degree. That feels great and completely doable.

  2. Building running mileage up to running 3 miles without a walk break. I’ve been through this process several times in the past so I know I can do it even though I still have doubts from time to time. Also want to hit the 20,000 minute mark on the Peloton app again. Found that really motivating to see the minutes accumulate! My ‘why’ for running is truly mental health related. I’ve yet to find another workout that makes me feel so great not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. 

  3. Prioritizing spiritual growth. Literally had the goal of doing a women’s bible study at church for numerous years and have yet to do it. Signed up and can’t wait.

  4. Not taking on any big projects once the master’s degree is complete (not writing books or working on large personal projects); family is my main focus this year.

  5. Taking time to let things move where they’re supposed to. With a lot of change in 2023 has come a lot of waiting and learning. How does my love of music education work with my love for administration? How does my everyday life work with serving and helping others? What do I continue, let go of, or add on? No immediate answers and continuing to just continue what I believe is what I need to do. And I think that having a goal that’s open-ended with lots of possibilities can make way for wherever life is leading. It’s not typically how we’d structure goals. But it’s likely the most important goal I can make this year.


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